Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Tricks for Foreplay

New Tricks for Foreplay

Keeping the flame burning between a couple is hard; keeping the sexual chemistry is even harder! Being in the same monogamous relationship for years, one can use up all his ideas about foreplays and sex, creating dull and boring lovemaking routines. After all, it's inevitable for the sex to become a usual procedure and the foreplay's excitement to fade away.

Foreplay is as essential as the sex itself. When that point comes, don't let familiarity and boredom take over. You aren't alone; every couple wades through the same dilemma. Hopefully a long monogamous relationship leads to being comfortable enough for sexual experimentation. Otherwise, some tips may help in reviewing and experimenting foreplays to exalt sexual relationship.


Just the giving of a man's attention to his partner already sparks up sensual connection; thus, the connection would be much more evident when she is conversed with and really listened to. Even when a man has decided to be open and is simply sharing thoughts to a woman, the attraction becomes more intense. Try showing casual interest in a woman's ideas and stories; it makes them feel loved and important and eventually, make them sexually provoked. A man can talk about his dreams with his partner in it, his wild fantasies that he would want to experience, or anything he would want to share that could bring excitement.


Eyes can be so powerful in teasing; one can communicate by just looking at a woman with so much enthusiasm. The lower lips can be bitten in such a manner that can tell how much a girl is craved. The hands may also be used to wander around the body; the hands can land on a woman's inner thighs while watching television. As for the arms, one or both may be stretched out to display more of chest area to urge a woman to dive into him relentlessly.

There is so much a person could do and use to tease -- almost every body part. In fact, one can use something natural within him: sex appeal. But if it begins to pall as the relationship runs long, there are commercially available hormones, called pheromones, which could help a person bring his appeal back.

Pheromones were first identified in animals and were used to naturally attract a possible mate. According to Nexuspheromones.com, researchers eventually found the same hormone in humans' body. After years of studies and experiments, these pheromones were proven to be among the main causes of attraction. Today, pheromone products, such as Nexus Pheromones™, make the said substance readily available to instantly attract the opposite sex.

But whatever a man chooses as his method for teasing a woman, the trick is to take one step at a time. Let her wait and let her want more. The longer the teasing goes, the more she'll want you.


The art of kissing does not simply consist of lips and tongue work. Kissing requires hands--hands that can stroke that body and can let passion be felt. The tongue work can be saved for the sex part, when the man is already on the genital part of his partner.

While kissing, a man can glide his fingers gently to the woman's cheeks, her neck, and then through her scalp and her hairtips. Hands can be stroked against her back down to her butt slowly. Remember that a woman wants to be kissed with emotions and desire. Thus, with this in mind, the kissing will surely turn her on regardless of where men's kisses land on.


It may seem unimportant but undressing is actually a cunning part of the foreplay. A shirt could be pulled off a woman's body in a sexy, slow way.. Through some practice, a man can unbutton and unzip the pants of his partner not using the hands--just the lips and teeth alone.

Undressing a woman in a sensual way depends greatly on what type of dress and undergarments she wears. Don't try to undress her as if you'll tear her clothes off because it may send the message that you are dying to get into her right away. Learn the art in it and make it a vital step in your foreplay.


Some are only used to getting a massage only when their muscles are fatigued, but this kind of trick can also induce their muscles' exhaustion after the relaxation! To complement a massage, there are lot of scented candles and oils which can insinuate lovemaking. Scented candles can soothe and calm her senses while oil helps in giving a good glide of the massage all over her naked body. Colognes and sprays can also be used over the body before giving a massage. Some of the market product hormones come in sprays, like Nexus Pheromones™, making it easier for them to be desired.

Being able to offer a good relaxing massage may mean that both of them really are comfortable and well-connected with each other. But a man may also not depend on his hands alone. Massaging a woman's body with his own can result in a higher sexual intensity.

The Science Behind Pheromones

The Science Behind Pheromones

Today, there are many pheromones products in the market, and you most probably wonder what these products, such as the Nexus Pheromones, are for.

The word pheromone originates from theGreek words "pherein" (to transfer) and "hormon" (to stimulate). Coined by experts Adolf Butenandt and Peter Karlson in 1959, this term describes the chemical signals among living organisms that elicit response from the physiology or behavior of other members. Pheromones are chemical substances generated by one living organism and are transmitted to other organisms that belong in one species. Pheromones are substances that usually ignite the sexual urge among animals or people.

But for animals, pheromones are commonly used for communication. There are different pheromone types, with each type belonging to two categories of usage: as territory markers or as attraction or aggression starters. The epideictic pheromones, territorial pheromones, and trail pheromones belong to the first category. The epideictic pheromones are usually seen in insects. Commonly, female insects leave substances around the vicinity where they clutch their eggs so that other insects will automatically find another place. This pheromone type is similar with the territorial pheromones that animals use to label the scope of their territories. For example, dogs use urine to mark their territories. Lastly, the trail pheromones are used by social insects like ants, which leave chemical elements on paths they tread on so they can go back to their nests correctly. Ants also use their pheromones to guide other members to the right path, usually toward a source of food.

The second category includes the aggregation pheromones, alarm pheromones, primer pheromones, and sex pheromones. The primer pheromones are the most uncommon among the four types while the aggregation pheromones are substances that attract both male and female organisms. The latter pheromones are unusual because the typical pheromones attract specific members of the community only; for instance, if you're a man, you'll normally attract women. Meanwhile, there are species that, when attacked, release a substance that triggers aggression in other members of the community of that species-- a substance called alarm pheromone. But other than aggression, there are also pheromones that lure mates for breeding that are called sex pheromones. Generally, a male insect can sense or detect the pheromones created by a female insect even if he is 10 kilometers away from her.

Proven that these classifications of pheromones are natural tools used by animals for communication, scientists also believe that pheromones also work in human beings. The human vomeronasal organ (VNO), a tiny organ situated in the human's nasal cavity, serves as the body's receptor of such substances. Since the vomeronasal organ is linked to the vessels of the brain, it sends the signals that it receives from the pheromones to the human brain. Then, the brain dictates the response of the body, which becomes evident in the man's behavior.

In connection to the statement above, studies show that human beings use the sense of smell to select their mates. In fact, Swedish experts have proven that, with the use of the latest brain imaging device, both homosexual males and heterosexual females react in a common manner when they are sexually aroused by male odors. Another study has found out that through the use of odor, pheromones have the ability to synchronize the menstrual cycles of different women. With pheromones, the female's ovulation can either shorten or lengthen depending on the signal that the female receives. Scientists call this process McClintock effect.

To further prove that pheromones are natural parts of human beings or their everyday lives, scientists have documented their findings using medical journals including Nature, The Scientist, and Microscopy-UK and Micscape Magazine as well as reports such as Report from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Presentation to International Society for Human Ethology, Simon Fraser University. Due to the unbelievable functions of pheromones, even TV and print media have covered different scientific facts about these body substances. Dateline NBC, 20/20, ABC News, CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, and Time Magazine are examples of those media.

Consequently, various companies have produced pheromone products like Nexus Pheromones to help people find partners. These products are clinically proven formulations that attract males and females. Pheromone products are created specifically for men to allow them to communicate silently to women, using only their odors. Some males use these products by blending them with their aftershaves. The Nexus Pheromones, for example, can be mixed by men in their aftershaves so that women will be able to smell their scents when they have a chance to get close to women. With these pheromone products, men do not need to take muscle pills or waste their sweat in the gym anymore just to improve their likeability; all they need is a simple scent produced by pheromones products.

However, men must not rely on pheromones products alone to attract women. They should also consider the importance of hygiene and appearance. For instance, a man uses Nexus Pheromones but he does not shower everyday, does not brush his teeth, and dresses up like a filthy street beggar. Do you think this kind of look will attract women? Certainly not, because women prefer both good-smelling and good-looking men. Simply put, pheromones products can help men lure women, but the end result also depends on the man's presentation of himself.

The aforementioned scientific discoveries and explanations may seem to be so simple that a lot of people already believe in the 'mysterious' works of pheromones to the body, specifically factors that influence the attraction between human beings. Indeed, with the use of vomeronasal organs and pheromones, people often find themselves attracted to someone they do not even know. Probably, this is the reason for that thing called "chemistry," but whatever label people attach to this kind of attraction, one thing is for sure: the effect that pheromones bring is not mere speculation but a proven fact.